Saturday, April 21, 2007

In Memory of David McCale

The LORD hears good people when they cry out to him,
and he saves them from all their troubles.
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted,
and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed.
PSALM34: 17-18

Watch Out, I got new wheels!!

Brady was 3 months old this week. Mommy and Brady celebrated by joining a stroller derby workout class. He is the youngest in the class, but is the center of attraction for all the little girls.(Must be the shades) He is quite fond of the older ladies(by older I mean 6 mths).

Mommy and Brady are both surviving the workout sessions, Brady's contribution to the workout is much easier than mommy's.

Brady has reached many milestones this month. Most importantly he is now sleeping through the night in his big boy bed. He is also getting alot more personality. He is usually pretty laid back, unless he is hungry or tired.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Meeting The McCales'

Aunt Gail
Great Grandpa McCale

Brady was fortunate to meet more of his extended family this week. He met Grandma MaryAnn's family. From left to right: Uncle Chuck, Aunt Marilyn, Grandpa Fred, Aunt Karen, Aunt Gail, and cousin Rory. Oh and uncle Dave's dog Miss B.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Happy Easter Everyone!!

We had a wonderful Easter. Easter is Mommy's favorite holiday and so far it is Brady's as well (he's only had two)!! We went to mass with Grammy and Grampy Hayes, Brady was fascinated with the stained glass windows and Grampy was fascinated with his raffle tickets he bought on the way into the church. It was a great service and Brady got a blessing. Afterwards we went to brunch and Brady slept the whole time.

Yummy, Yummy!!

Brady's pediatrician gave us the OK a few weeks ago to start cereal. We tried it then, but he wasn't quite ready. But, the sturdy little guy is definitely getting the hang of it now. One bite and he was hooked.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Who Needs Sleep

Brady gave daddy a goodnight kiss and put him right to sleep. Brady has been a pretty good sleeper in the past 1 1/2, his biggest accomplishment thus far is he is now sleeping until 5 0r 6 am. Lance and I were up at his usual time of 3:30am waiting for him to wake up, which he did not do until 6:15am.
This weekend we spent some time out by the pool, Brady protected his little bald head and relaxed in the shade.