Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Happy Birthday, we love you!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Louisiana Bound

We finally made it to Louisana to meet Mommy's family. It was a big week, lil David graduated from high school and I got to meet lots of family and friends. Here's the family.....

I remembered Maw Maw right away. Although she did not get to hold me as much as she would like, because she had a broken arm, I gave her lots of kisses.

I met lil David (he's not so little though) everyone thought we looked alike.

My Aunt Theresa said it was payback time for mommy.

My cousin Taylor will make a great babysitter when we move to Louisana.

Uncle David couldn't believe how big I was but it didn't stop him from holding me. I think he has my hairline.

And last but not least I finally met Paw Paw.
We were two peas in a pod and he fed me yummy
things that mommy was not so happy about.(Like chocolate pie)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Growing like a weed

Update! At Brady's 4mth doctor's appointment he weighed in at 17lbs of pure love and is now 27 inches long. He got a few shots which he didn't like, but Daddy was there to make everything good again. He got a clean bill of health and the doctor said that we can start feeding him anything that we are eating as long as it is not spicy or anything he can get choked on.