Saturday, September 22, 2007

What Did You Say?

I reluctantly admit..... Brady's first word is DaDa. Although he calls me dada, Lance-dada, and even Riley-dada. Maybe MaMa will be next. One can hope, my luck it will be Riley.

Brady had another first today, he had his first carnival ride. He did not cry like some of the others, but when the carousel started to move he was as stiff as a board.

Bye Daddy!

Looks like Mommy's having more fun
than Brady.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Happy 8 Months, Brady!!

Wow, how time flies when you get no sleep, no time to yourself, and constantly smell like spoiled milk. The weird thing is that you love every minute of it.

Brady and Tucker had a sleep over this past week end it went pretty well, from the looks of Tucker they partied all night:


Monday, September 10, 2007


Brady is growing like a weed. He now has six teeth. Four on top and two on the bottom. His top front teeth finally arrived. We were a little concerned because he got his top side teeth first, and the Dr. said she had never seen that before. He looked like a Louisiana native. He eats any and everything, he is an equal opportunist.

(Brady's tshirt says, "I get my good looks from
my dad") Lance loves this shirt. Brady has also starting pulling himself up and standing. He has already gotten a couple of goose eggs, good thing he has a hard head. He is babbling more and more. At times you can hear dada and mama, but I think it is more of an accident.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Settling In

Louisiana is good, alot slower pace than Florida. Everyone is extremely friendly, I have already had two offers for babysitting duty. Little do they know that I will take them up on the offer. We have had several visitors. The Schuler Clan from Arkansas spent our first weekend with us, the boys had a great time. Both boys were bruise and bite mark free surprisingly at the end of the weekend. Although, there was a bee incident, and Brady recieved his first sting, but nothing slowed him down, not even the benadryl.
Here are some more pictures from our weekend together.....