Monday, November 19, 2007

Independence Day

Brady is 10 whole months old. To celebrate Mommy and Daddy went away for their first night away from the lil man. He was well cared for, courtesy of Aunt Jen, Uncle Jamie, and cousin Tucker. He had a great time, and so did Mommy and Daddy. I guess he can survive without us.

Brief Update:
Brady is up to alot of new things, mostly not good. He is cruising all around the house holding onto furniture, he has stood without holding on to anything, but quickly fell. He loves the kitchen! He is learning what the word NO means and how to obey it sometimes. He says MaMa, especially when daddy isn't letting him get away with anything. He has a favorite book, "Eight Silly Monkeys", he loves it. He laughs outloud when you are reading it to him, it is very sweet.

He helps with the dishes,

He helps with the laundry, well in his own way

A Jack of All Trades!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

You Should See The Other Guy

Brady recieved his first black eye. Daddy picked him up from daycare and apparently he had an altercation with the baby gate, and the gate won. Lance came through the door and said, "Honey, get the camera, Brady has his first black eye!"

Poor Lil Guy.....

In addition to the black eye he is also getting two more teeth on the bottom. Total teeth=8! He is not having a good day!