Thursday, March 27, 2008

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail

Easter was wonderful, we were down south with Mommy's family for a long weekend. We all went to mass at the church where mommy and daddy were married. It was a beautiful mass, lots of kids, which took the pressure off. Brady fell asleep soon after recieving his blessing from the priest.

Then it was off to find the goodies...

The Great Outdoors

Spring has finally arrived, and the three of us are enjoying every moment of it. Brady is very content playing outside, rain or shine, he does not care. He has been helping mommy wash the cars.....

He was such a big help, until he found the bucket. It was all down hill from there.

Brady's favorite word is fish, so daddy brought one home for him....finally!!

Brady is also having an identity crisis and walks around barking like a dog. I guess that is OK unless he starts licking strangers.

(Notice he still loves his books, he always has one close by) We are averaging about 15 books a day between mommy and daddy.