Sunday, December 21, 2008


Noah Preston Schuler(No No) as Brady call's him arrived 12/16/08. Brady is completely in love with the little guy. He is going to be a great big brother.

We are all settling in just fine. The baby thing has been the easy part so far, controlling an overly interested 23 mth old is a bit more challenging.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fun Photos

Recent Pics....

The pro horseman

Does this thing go any faster???

Again I ask "Does this thing go any faster?"

***Lance insists on a disclaimer stating"He is not that fat"


Brady still loves fish. He continues to kiss each one that he sees. The fishing was really good this particular weekend down south and Uncle David bought Brady his very own fishing pole.

He carried this fish around all by himself for a good while. It was so cute that Uncle David submitted it to the local newspaper and it was selected to appear in the next few weeks. We will keep you posted on his new found stardom.