Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Our little family enjoyed a wonderful Christmas, we must have been good this year. Santa was very nice to all of us. Our festivities started last night when Brady insisted on making reindeer food. He said, "mommy we need to make santa's reindeer some food, they are going to be very hungry from all of their work." What does Santa's reindeer eat you might ask. Well.....carrots, celery and corn of course.

We resumed our festivities this morning before the sun was up. There were lots of gifts, food, and laughs.
One of our best gifts was........A White Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Noah Preston is 1!!!!

The past year has been so fun , I can't believe Noah is 1! He learned to sit, crawl and walk. What's and talk. He is as sweet as a pea and fast as lightning, he is growing so fast it is quite frightening. Already he loves to sneak in his brothers room, and tear it brothers do.
He has an adventurous nature, if there is a closed door it will soon be opened. His curiosity rules him. His heart is big, hugs warm, kisses are a little sloppy but oh so yummy....and who can resist nibbling his little tummy.
Did I mention he looovves cake! He ate every morsel of his mini cake. Here is a picture of the big cake mommy and aunt stephie made for the lil guy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Aunt Steph Is Here !!!

Aunt Steph is visiting from Colorado. We have been trying to keep moving, a little challenging with Brady wheelchair bound for the next few weeks. Steph and I usually are pretty entertained just hanging out and catching up, but there was so much we wanted to show her.

The Zoo was our first outing...

Today was the big day....Finding the perfect Christmas Tree Noah is always on the go, usually in the opposite direction of everyone else. Between the 3 us we managed to keep up with the lil monkey.It was all fun and games until Daddy cut the tree down......Noah must be a future tree hugger (uncle jamie). He was traumatized when the tree fell.You can see he recovered just fine!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

Double Trouble

We were lucky enough to have my sister, Theresa, and my niece and nephew here for the week of Thanksgiving. So we have been very busy entertaining and seeing the sights. My babies are doing great. Noah is walking (very quickly) EVERYWHERE. He has given up crawling altogether. Brady is entertaining as usual, he comes up with the funniest things, I love our chats we have when I put him in bed at night. My standard question is "What was your favorite thing today?" The answers vary, but always make me smile.

It is getting pretty cold here, possible flurries tonight, so Noah is practicing wearing his winter hat. It is a puppy and has ears. SOOO cute.

Noah's first carousel ride with cousin Taylor....He loved it! Squeals and all.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Look At Me Go!

The Take Off....
Walking today, Running tomorrow! Noah is officially walking. 8-9 steps then he drifts to the side like he is a little intoxicated and then BOOM! That does not slow him down, up he goes, and the process starts again.
The Crash

The Recovery (does he look discouraged?)

And the process begins again....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hooray for Halloween!

Noah had a wonderful first Halloween! Mommy contemplated on giving him a different costume, but in the end was thrilled we reused Brady's lobster outfit. He loved it. He would have worn it all day if we would have let him. Brady was supposed to be a cowboy, but in the end wanted to be Elmo, again! It fit perfectly this year. Mommy and Aunt Debbie decided to go for a second trick or treating adventure, so he wore is cowboy costume. Ummmm....double dipping. We felt guilty so we went to a different street.

Brady's friend Gretchen (Debbie's cute lil niece) and her parents came along for the festivities. Everyone got in on the action. Molly was a witch, Debbie was a flapper, and Mommy was a butterfly. Brady requested that I be Tinkerbell, but from looking at the costumes Tinkerbell is a lil hooch nowadays!

Time to go home...obvious by the look on Brady's face.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Autumn in Missouri

The leaves have been amazing this year. We have been getting a ton of rain, so I wanted to get them on camera, before they are gone! Brady was curious about them for about, ummm 1 minute. Noah just wanted to eat them(he has a new tooth to use, #7 has arrived), but Mommy has declared fall my favorite season. The colors are sooo bright, truly breathtaking. Here are a few pics from our day....

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Happy 10 Months, Noah!

Noah is now a whopping 10mths old! He is turning into quite the lil man. He is cruising around holding onto furniture and he took his first solo step this week. Who was he trying to get to.....none other than Mr. Brady! Brady was so excited, he cannot wait for Noah to be running around with him. Oh the chaos these two are going to cause. Noah has decided that he only wants big people food, he is on baby food protest. Guess I can't blame him for that. We took a trip to a pumpkin farm today. We had so much fun with all the activities we forgot to buy the pumpkin.

Oh, what a day! Hayrides, Face painting, Corn Maze, Corn shooter, petting zoo. But, it was freezing, temps were in low 40's. That is cold my friends.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday in Schuler Land

We headed out bright and early with Starbuck's in hand for all---Brady has vanilla milk---we wouldn't know what to do with him high on caffeine! Off to Eckert's orchards in Belleville, Il for some apple pickin and fun. Everyone got in on the fun....Brady was the official picker


Noah was the official taster!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Little Man is 9 Months

Happy 9 months little brother!

We are sooo excited that Aunt Jen, Uncle Jamie, Tucker, and Lauren are coming to visit this weekend from Arkansas. It will be great to see the kids together again. Our other special guest is Uncle Brendan from New York. He may get a little freaked out in a house with 4 kiddos, but guess he will get use to it. (Wonder if he will babysit:)

Noah is now saying dada. Lance has been doing vocal training while mommy is at work. Brady and Noah both had the flu this week but are on the mend.

Thanks for my horsey shirt Aunt Steph! It is my fav!