Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What are we to do with this boy?

Mr. Smiley has misplaced his smile the last couple of days. Mommy was sure something was definitely wrong, Noah is normally extremely happy for no apparent reason. A very content lil guy. He has been very fussy for a day or so. The Dr. confirmed our fears this of the tubes is plugged off. UGHHH! Fussy for Noah is unusual, but he is still managing a few giggles. Hopefully we will not have to do another surgery. 4mth stats......16.2lbs (75th %), and 26 3/4inches tall(95th %). Tall lil fella!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Big News....

Last week Daddy was out of town for a few days. Noah in the meantime decided he was bored with laying on his back all the time and is now rolling over. Does this mean he will crawl early too?--YIKES!

We took a little fishing trip this weekend. We found a wonderful new spot. There is a beach area, volleyball court, and of course great spots to fish. The fish are starting to spawn and the carps were making huge splashes. Brady immediately found a snake that he wanted MaMa (of all people) to catch. Guess we all know what my answer was to that!

Fishing awards are as follows:

First fish:Mommy

Biggest fish: Daddy

Most entertaining fisherman: Brady

Cutest fisherman: Mr. Noah

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Noah is 4 Months---WOW

Mr. Noah is 4 months today. What is he getting for this momentous occasion.......his very own set of tubes for his poor lil ears. We have to be there at 630am to begin the fun. Hopefully it will be as quick and painless as possible. Watching them put him to sleep will be extremely difficult on mommy and daddy. Wish us luck! Yesterday at his preop visits he weighed in at 16.1 lbs. Whewww
Noah was a big fan of his Aunt Stephie/Godmother. We were so thrilled that she came all the way from Colorado to meet him and attend the baptism...Thanks Steph, Love ya!

Friday, April 10, 2009

What Good Friday's Are Made Of...

We spent this good Friday at the local park. Brady asks to go fishing pretty much everyday. So you can imagine his excitement when they finally caught a fish.
Brace yourselves it is a MONSTER....Mommy and Noah took a nice walk around the lake and then Noah decided he was ready for a lakeside siesta.....

Stay tuned we have a big weekend planned. The boys are being Christened on Easter sunday. Many photos to come!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


As previously mentioned, Noah now has a bebe pod chair. He is doing really well sitting like a big boy. Now Mr. Curious can see the world around him and it gives Mommy's and Daddy's arms a break--he is on the heavy side.