Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Countdown Begins

Noah Preston will be 2 in exactly one month. As Glamma pointed out to me recently, "we no longer have babies in our house". Noah is sleeping in his big boy bed, has decided he is ready to potty train(brady is playing a big role with this part). He goes most days with 1 or 2 accidents. Not bad for starting out, and not being 2 yet. A house with NO diapers, what would i do with all that extra money?

Friday, September 17, 2010

What in the world has Noah been up to???

Little Noah isn't so little anymore. He is 21 months now and quite the little character. He is talking as much if not more than his very verbal brother. He can say his ABC's and count to 10. Mommy and Noah are now taking a "mommy and baby gymnastic class" I will post pics soon. Mommy is now home with the boys monday-friday and loving it (on most days) I work Saturday and Sunday, and it never fails when I am getting ready to leave for work on Sunday Brady says"mom you have to work AGAIN." haha

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Let's Potty!

Noah has become obsessed with the potty lately, especially when big brother is using his. He has learned to pull his diaper off, lift the seat of the potty and sit down.....and that is where it ends. He will tell you again and again "go poo poo" and run to the potty. He wouldn't get off the potty yesterday so I decided to let him sit for a while and when I came back he had stood and peed all over the floor. I thought to myself, " I am not ready for this again.....can they where diapers to kindergarten, hahaha".
Yesterday evening I was looking for Noah and this is what I found. Hmmmm "SuperNanny"! Guess he knows all about potty training and timeouts now.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rookie Team 2010

Be the first to meet this season's 3-4 year old Rookie Team. They still don't know where the bases are, or which direction to run for that fact, and I am not sure if they are playing baseball or picking flowers most of the time. Although, there is no denying how cute they look in there uniforms. (The coach on the right is pretty cute also).

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Introducing Slugger Schuler

Brady ...aka " slugger schuler" had his first baseball practice today! So cute. Daddy is the Assistant Coach (thanks to mommy) signing him up for the job. So for the rest of our summer we will be spending Tuesday nights and Saturday mornings playing ball. I can't believe Brady is this big already.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Brady's First Trophy

Brady likes going to school on 2 days....Gym Bus day and Donut day. Gym bus is on Tuesday's and Donuts on Friday's. Since we are coming to the end of a school year, gym bus is coming to an end. Brady learned his gymnastics skills so well he recieved his very first trophy (he calls it his Piston Cup-from the movie "Cars".

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day in St. Louis

We had some fun times here on Mother's Day.... I got to sleep in til 715am! The boys had may favorite breakfast ready- French Toast, yum. Brady could not wait to break out the gifts that him and Noah made at school for mommy. Of course, I loved them. Then Brady said "ok, can it be my day now". It is all about him, you know. After breakfast Brady let the secret plan for my day out and told me we were going horseback riding. So here are a few picks of our afternoon.

Monday, April 19, 2010

First Hospital Stay

Hi everyone! I am writing this blog from St. Louis Children's hospital where Noah is spending a day, two, or three. Our length of stay is unknown at this point. As you know, our little Noah has been blessed with terrible allergies, eczema, and a weakened immune system to boot. Last week he started getting a rash and by saturday it was out of control. Saw a dr. on saturday did a bunch of lab work, and still no better today. Went back to the pediatrician this morning and in ususal Noah fashion, he was a complete mystery to her and her partner. From there we went to a very nice Dermatologist named Dr. Anderson, he knew with much certainty that what Noah had was a severe viral infection due to his weakened immune system. He made a few phone calls and an hour later we were admitted. So far, so good. They can't believe how happy he is, they asked if they could bring the medical students through tomorrow because it is extremely rare. And to have a baby that has it and is still happy is definitely not the norm. There is absolutely nothing normal about our precious baby boy. Please keep lil Noah in your thoughts

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Wanted to share a glimpse of our Easter weekend with you. As you all know Easter is my all time favorite holiday, so we tend to get a little carried away around the Schuler household. Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt at our City Hall. It was so much fun, I was hoping Brady would at least get one egg. To my surprise he showed up a few minutes later with a basket full.
Text Color(The Aftermath)....straight to the bathtub

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Like Mother, Like Son

I brought all of my baby pictures back from my trip to Louisiana and am excited to see that Brady does look like me (a little). Although I know he is a clone of Lance, it is nice to see I had a little part in this handsome fella. What do you think?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Noah's 1st haircut!

Lastnight we took Noah to tame his crazy mane at a kid's hair salon called "The Hairy Elephant". His first haircut was a success, he was a GOOD boy! It helps that they have toy cars, airplanes and trains that the kids sit in for their haircuts, plus any kind of cartoon possible to watch.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Noah is 14 months today!

Our little dare devil is 14mths old today. He is no longer walking everywhere....he sprints. Zoom-Zoom! Guess he has to keep up with big brother (or escape him)! He is communicating alot now. Yesterday after breakfast he held up his hands and said "All Done". He goes up and down our 2 flights of stairs about 50times a day. To get down the stairs he lays flat on his belly, straightens out his legs and slides down. He is very innovative. He has his big ear surgery next week, wish us luck.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Our little man turned 3 today! We had his first big kid birthday party yesterday, which many of his friends from school attended. It was a BLAST! The best gift of all was his cousin Tucker and Lauren were here to celebrate with him. The whole weekend was awesome. We love having our Southern Schulers' with us, hope to see them again very soon! I will try and post pics before Brady and I are off to Florida to see Grammy and Grampy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Wonderland

We were lucky enough to have a white christmas and even luckier to have a white new year. Brady thinks snow can only come from santa. Brady decided to take Spirit(his toy horse) out for a stroll. He loves the snow, we will hopefully be able to take our guys sledding this week for the first time. Yep, it's cold....