Friday, February 19, 2010

Noah's 1st haircut!

Lastnight we took Noah to tame his crazy mane at a kid's hair salon called "The Hairy Elephant". His first haircut was a success, he was a GOOD boy! It helps that they have toy cars, airplanes and trains that the kids sit in for their haircuts, plus any kind of cartoon possible to watch.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Noah is 14 months today!

Our little dare devil is 14mths old today. He is no longer walking everywhere....he sprints. Zoom-Zoom! Guess he has to keep up with big brother (or escape him)! He is communicating alot now. Yesterday after breakfast he held up his hands and said "All Done". He goes up and down our 2 flights of stairs about 50times a day. To get down the stairs he lays flat on his belly, straightens out his legs and slides down. He is very innovative. He has his big ear surgery next week, wish us luck.