Monday, February 19, 2007

Happy 1 Month Brady!!

Brady has had a big month. His first Valentine's Day, lots of visitors and our first
mother and son lunch date. Of course he was the cutest there!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A Day at the Beach

Brady is catching some rays on the beach in Hollywood. Loving the outdoors already.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Meeting The Grandparents

Grandma Sandy was present at the birth, she couldn't wait to get her hands on the lil cutie. Next Grandma Suzy (aka Glamma) arrived. She could not get from the airport fast enough. Brady spent his first beach day with Grandpa Steve and Grandma Suzy. In the weeks following we traveled to Boca Raton to meet Grandpa Leo and Grandma MaryAnn. It was neat to see three generations of Schuler men together.

Happy Birthday Brady!!

Brady Joseph Schuler arrived January 18, 2007 at 6:25pm. He weighed in at a whopping 8lbs 14oz. He was 19.8inches long. He is a week old on the right and three weeks old with mommy and daddy on his first trip to the beach.