Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy 2 Months, Brady!!

Happy 2 months, Brady!
Brady is now 2mths old and had his 2mth shots and check up yesterday.He is doing great. He weighs 14.9lbs and is 23.5inches long. He was very good at the drs. office until they gave him 4 shots. Needless to say he was tired afterward and a little cranky.

Saturday Brady attended his first St. Patrick's Day Parade with Mommy, Daddy and Grandma Mary Ann. Like other major events, he slept through the whole thing.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Smiley Schuler

As previously promised, I finally caught Brady smiling on camera. He is smiling and laughing more and more everyday! He is very handsome, like his daddy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cardinals Vs. Braves

Tim and Susan getting to know their future son in law(if they have a girl).

Brady attended his second baseball game yesterday with mommy, Susan, Tim, and baby Spier(Susan is 22 weeks pregnant). Unfortuantely, daddy had to work. It was alot of fun and he was so excited that he slept the whole game.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Sibling Rivalry

Riley decided that since Brady doesn't use the moses basket it was fair game!!

Friday, March 2, 2007

Getting bigger everyday

Brady is continuing to get bigger and bigger. He recently started smiling, it's not my imagination, Grandma Suzy has seen it also. I will get it on film as soon as possible. This week has been exciting for Brady. Aunt Debbie(mommy's best friend), Aunt Steph and Mason came to meet him. Brady also went to Boca Raton to wish Grandpa Leo a happy birthday.