Thursday, June 26, 2008

1st Hair Cut

Brady was due for a little trim, we could not bring ourselves to cut the curls, they are just too cute. So here are some pics.....



Sunday, June 22, 2008


Cousin Tucker spent the last 9 days with us while his Mommy and Daddy were getting a well deserved vacation. It was an interesting week. Plenty of ups, downs, sippy cups, tantrums, fights, and fun. We kept the two very busy, idle time is not a good idea with these two. Here are a few pics of our roller coaster of a week....

That's probably not a good idea....

To bring the week to an end we took the boys to a drive thru Safari and petting zoo. It was alot of fun. 305 different species. Lots of deer, elk, camels, ostrich, zebras, etc. Brady loved the animals immediately

Tucker needed time to warm up to them..(It looks like we are torturing the poor guy)

In the end fun was had by all, even daddy got in on the fun.
The Other twin

Tucker recovered quickly and got in on the fun too.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Aunt Steph in Louisiana

Aunt Steph came to visit recently. She was amazed at how big Me and cousin Tucker had gotten. It was her 2nd time to see cousin Tucker(the last was @ 5wks old). So he was alot different. Here are a couple of pics from our visit.
Aunt Steph learned first hand how much work 2 little Schulers' can be.....