Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pimp Ride

Our big guy got a new set of wheels. So far he is only going in reverse, but I have no doubt that will change soon.

Mommy is wishing it came with a helmet (Big brother thinks Noah is a crash test dummy)!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It is my pleasure to inform all of you that it will not be long until Little Noah will be giving big brother Brady a taste of his own medicince and maybe a nibble or two! Finally, he will have some mechanism of defense against his ever so zealous big bro. NOAH IS GETTING HIS 1st TOOTH! YAY!

Brady was already practicing the whine this morning, "ouch Noah bit my finger" those gums do hurt, but he has no idea what he is store for next. Noah's little tooth was a birthday present for cousin Tucker....hmmmm is there a conspiracy in the works?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

5 Months

Noah baby(as brady calls him now) is 5 months old. He is now eating cereal, snuggling with a binky, rolling over and getting his knees under him. He really wants to crawl, but I am hoping that will wait. I have a feeling him and Brady will never be moving in the same direction!

Noah takes matters into his own hands when mommy is a little slow on the draw...

Do they put crack in baby cereal? Surely it doesn't taste as good as he thinks it does. (Brady ate a bite, and I asked him "what's it taste like?" He says"It tastes like Oatmeal"!


Monkey Business

As you all know Brady is quite the handful. Headstrong(stubborn), honory, opinionated, smart(he can sing pretty much any nursery rhyme, and for future reference "Ol McDonald" is his favorite and "The Wheels on the Bus" is Noah's, according to Brady! It is alot of fun having discussions with him now, he can always make you laugh.
(Daddy, I said"GIVE ME SOME ATTENTION")--No more talking to uncle chuck!