Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy 8th Anniversary Mommy and Daddy!

I am a blessed woman. I was lucky enough to marry my best friend and even luckier to have him as the father of my boys. 8 years of marriage, 11 years as a couple (I must have been 15 when we met, lol), 2 sons, and many moves later......couldn't be happier!
(not great quality on the pic sorry)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1/2 Year Old

Little Noah is 6 months.....he is a doll (most of the time). Look close at this picture and you can check out his pearly whites. As of last week Noah is 17.6lbs and doing great. He is still having lots of ear infections (even with tubes), but he continues to smile. My guess is he will need to get his adenoids removed eventually. The doctors are being extra careful and are sending us to a specialist....an immunologist when we get to St. Louis. Until then he is on a continuous prophylactic antibiotic. He thinks Brady is hysterical especially when Brady is being naughty. We tell him not to encourage him, but he continues to laugh!

Having two boys is fabulous....handme downs!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Big Boy Bed

After waiting 3 mths for the rail for brady's bed, it finally arrived. We put his big boy together right away, Brady tested it out by jumping on it of course.

Daddy snuck in and snapped a few pics for us. So sweet!! We are on day 4 and no problems. He crawls right in, Mommy and daddy reads him a book with a quick kiss and he is off to dream town for the night. He has even been sleeping in big boy underwear with no accidents. YAY!!! The first night he ran to his closet to get the rest of his crib out, poor guy-- so traumatic. LOL


When I found out I was expecting Brady bunch I wanted to surprise Lance. It was close to father's day that year so I went out and bought all sorts of father's day loot. I also bought two shirts for the baby that we had laughed at months before. Here they are....Brady can finally fit in the biggest one.
The big boy shirt says" A bad day fishing with dad is better than a good day shopping with mom". We didn't know then how fitting that shirt would be for him.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Swimming Like A Fishy

Brady graduated swim class today! Mrs. Mandy, Mrs. Debra, and Miss Ashton said he was the only one that didn't cry once all week. He kept them hopping though, he just jumps right in, no warning. NO FEAR! He did so well, he may join the older group if we have a chance before we move. His biggest problem.....He smiles, even while he is under water. Here are a few pics from the day.

and yes....he jumped off the diving board with Miss Ashton, went all the way to the bottom

here he is just aftering the diving board

Water Logged!

*****Noah got a second tooth today!****

2 of A Kind

When I got home from work lastnight I couldn't help but to chuckle........i will narrate.
"Wow, you are right Brady, Nemo is fascinating"!

"It is ok Noah baby, Darla doesn't get Nemo!"