Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Brady may have not gotten much from mommy in the looks department, but he definitely has my gracefulness :) He took quite a spill last night, or actually he went airborne across the room. Little guy was so excited daddy was home, he came running, tripped , flew through the air and the dresser caught him. No kids are going to mess with him at his new school next week! The 5 stitches make him look tough, don't cha think? He was such a trooper, can't say I would have done as well.

Random pics from new house

Not my favorite picture, but...look at Brady's face, I believe he is squeezing Noah with his legs.(poor noah, the abuse)

Update on Noah: He has 4 teeth currently and is eating all sorts of things (good and bad). He just recently started eating yogurt and teething biscuits and LOVES them! He has perfected the "schuler scoot" and will be crawling full out very soon. He is very mobile and can find the littlest thing to put in his mouth. Keeping Mommy very busy!!!! ----Brady has been busy as well, he needs his own post for all of that though!

Bye Old House, Hello New House

For Noah's 7mth birthday he got a new home, new town, and more teeth. Busy, busy! Here is our new home, we are on the out skirts of St. Louis in O'Fallon. The house was surprise to us all since we did not physically see it until we arrived. Like Christmas in July for us. Has a great lil market street within walking distance with restaurants, frozen custard, and a small libray (brady already has his library card), he still LOVES to read! The boys are adjusting, Brady had a rough 3 or 4 days but seems to be coming around. They will start their new school next week. Definitely miss all of our friends and family! Come visit soon!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Here Fishy, Fishy

Daddy got Brady a fish tank for Easter. We were wondering how long it would be before he got bored of just watching the fish....Guess this answers our question. His favorite fish in the tank is a baby catfish him and daddy caught on a fishing trip.

Six months and a Sippy Cup

Big brother Brady giving lil Noah a tutorial on the sippy cup!!