Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lil Man Takes A Stand

Noah has started pulling up this week. Unfortunately, he decided to do it while mommy was working. Daddy was there to witness the event though. He is so proud of himself after he gets to his feet, but being the true Schuler that he is he gets distracted and forgets what he is doing and lets go, and down he goes.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mum's the Word

Noah is 8 Months!

For his big month he gave mommy a present! His first word, Mama! He's been attempting it at home, but his teacher confirmed it today. She said all the other babies are saying, dadadada, but not our Noah he is saying, mamamama!

What has lil Noah been up to?

  • He is saying MAMA!
  • Crawling (everywhere) They call him the energizer bunny at school
  • Eating anything, anytime, anywhere. Mommy is going to make him some chicken and dumplings this weekend
  • 6 teeth
  • trying to stand up without holding onto anything