Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday in Schuler Land

We headed out bright and early with Starbuck's in hand for all---Brady has vanilla milk---we wouldn't know what to do with him high on caffeine! Off to Eckert's orchards in Belleville, Il for some apple pickin and fun. Everyone got in on the fun....Brady was the official picker


Noah was the official taster!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Little Man is 9 Months

Happy 9 months little brother!

We are sooo excited that Aunt Jen, Uncle Jamie, Tucker, and Lauren are coming to visit this weekend from Arkansas. It will be great to see the kids together again. Our other special guest is Uncle Brendan from New York. He may get a little freaked out in a house with 4 kiddos, but guess he will get use to it. (Wonder if he will babysit:)

Noah is now saying dada. Lance has been doing vocal training while mommy is at work. Brady and Noah both had the flu this week but are on the mend.

Thanks for my horsey shirt Aunt Steph! It is my fav!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Meet Me In St. Louis

Every opportunity we get, we take to streets to explore this new city of ours. This weekend our adventure took us to the "Gateway of the West"...The St. Louis Arch. There is something going on down on the riverfront every weekend it seems. This weekend it was a park palooza. There were all sorts of activities for the kiddos and critters to see (fish, snakes, turtles, and a bison).

After the festival we walked through the historic riverfront area and found a great little pub for lunch and something cold for mommy and daddy(hmmm). Noah discovered a new game while at the restaurant----If I throw all my toys on the floor, mommy will pick them up and make funny faces. Both boys were great, guess we are getting the hang of this double kid thing after all. We are having a great time with our new city, LOVE IT!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Grant's Farm

This past weekend some friends of ours visited from across the river in Illinois. We decided to make another trip to Grant's Farm. It is on the estate where the Busch's live. You can see there 56 room mansion on the hilltop above. The clydesdales are kept there as well. They are beautiful! Of course brady loves them the best. You also can feed the baby goats baba's. There is an elephant show and a beer garden! I was wondering why there were so many daddy's around, lol! So here are some pics from our trip.

Beep Beep

Caution!!!! Watch your toes! (driving without a license)