Monday, January 18, 2010


Our little man turned 3 today! We had his first big kid birthday party yesterday, which many of his friends from school attended. It was a BLAST! The best gift of all was his cousin Tucker and Lauren were here to celebrate with him. The whole weekend was awesome. We love having our Southern Schulers' with us, hope to see them again very soon! I will try and post pics before Brady and I are off to Florida to see Grammy and Grampy!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Wonderland

We were lucky enough to have a white christmas and even luckier to have a white new year. Brady thinks snow can only come from santa. Brady decided to take Spirit(his toy horse) out for a stroll. He loves the snow, we will hopefully be able to take our guys sledding this week for the first time. Yep, it's cold....