Monday, April 19, 2010

First Hospital Stay

Hi everyone! I am writing this blog from St. Louis Children's hospital where Noah is spending a day, two, or three. Our length of stay is unknown at this point. As you know, our little Noah has been blessed with terrible allergies, eczema, and a weakened immune system to boot. Last week he started getting a rash and by saturday it was out of control. Saw a dr. on saturday did a bunch of lab work, and still no better today. Went back to the pediatrician this morning and in ususal Noah fashion, he was a complete mystery to her and her partner. From there we went to a very nice Dermatologist named Dr. Anderson, he knew with much certainty that what Noah had was a severe viral infection due to his weakened immune system. He made a few phone calls and an hour later we were admitted. So far, so good. They can't believe how happy he is, they asked if they could bring the medical students through tomorrow because it is extremely rare. And to have a baby that has it and is still happy is definitely not the norm. There is absolutely nothing normal about our precious baby boy. Please keep lil Noah in your thoughts

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Wanted to share a glimpse of our Easter weekend with you. As you all know Easter is my all time favorite holiday, so we tend to get a little carried away around the Schuler household. Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt at our City Hall. It was so much fun, I was hoping Brady would at least get one egg. To my surprise he showed up a few minutes later with a basket full.
Text Color(The Aftermath)....straight to the bathtub