Friday, August 31, 2007

Let's Play Catch Up

Things move a little slower in Louisiana. We finally got cable and internet yesterday, It felt like we were camping, except we had air conditioner. Let's do a little recap. Brady and I flew to my parents, while Daddy and uncle Jamie drove all of our things from Florida to Louisiana. It was exhausting for everyone, except Brady. He has an endless amount of energy, Maw Maw says, "he's like the energizer bunny". He now has 5 teeth, and is crawling/scooting all over the place. It's amazing how fast those chubby thighs can move when they want something.

Just off the plane in Houston. Big smiles for MawMaw and Paw Paw.

PARTY TIME!! And yes, he had cake.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Adios Florida

Good Riddens Miami. Today Brady and I will be flying to Louisiana. We will visit MawMaw and PawPaw until Daddy and Uncle Jamie arrive. We said our goodbyes last night. This was a big year. We moved here exactly a year ago almost to the day, and we leave with a beautiful baby boy and lots of good friends. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Brady has been congested for a while, we were attributing it to the snotty nose kids at daycare, but night before last we were awakened by a certain wheezing sound coming from the little guy. First thing yesterday morning we made a visit to Dr. Rub's office and sure enough Brady has bronchiolitis. Which is contracted from other kids, most likely from daycare. He was given 2 breathing treatments at the office and as a souvenir was sent home with his very own nebulizer machine. He was put on an antibiotic, an oral steroid, and 3 breathing treatments a day for one month. Daddy came right home from work after hearing his little guy was sick to give Mommy some much needed moral support and we spent the afternoon devoting all of our attention to the lil turkey(like we don't do that already).
Still smiling....

Trouble times Two

This is my buddy Alex. We met at our Mommy's exercise class. Alex is nine days older than me, you may remember him from a previous posting. We do lots of things together. On this particular day we were shopping with our moms. It is alot more fun to shop when you have a partner in crime.(Notice Brady now has shoes!) His little feet were getting torn up from doing the Schuler Scoot.

This day was a very busy day for these two. First, we went for a long walk, then Brady went to the airport to drop off Glamma and Grampie Hayes, then it was off to lunch with Alex, his mom, Nicolas, and his mom. The excitement did not end there. Costco was next on the list. Then off to mall to look around a bit. Brady and Alex found ways to stay entertained during the shopping trip.

Like.....A little kissing/chewing session