Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Brady has been congested for a while, we were attributing it to the snotty nose kids at daycare, but night before last we were awakened by a certain wheezing sound coming from the little guy. First thing yesterday morning we made a visit to Dr. Rub's office and sure enough Brady has bronchiolitis. Which is contracted from other kids, most likely from daycare. He was given 2 breathing treatments at the office and as a souvenir was sent home with his very own nebulizer machine. He was put on an antibiotic, an oral steroid, and 3 breathing treatments a day for one month. Daddy came right home from work after hearing his little guy was sick to give Mommy some much needed moral support and we spent the afternoon devoting all of our attention to the lil turkey(like we don't do that already).
Still smiling....