Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Louisiana Bound

We finally made it to Louisana to meet Mommy's family. It was a big week, lil David graduated from high school and I got to meet lots of family and friends. Here's the family.....

I remembered Maw Maw right away. Although she did not get to hold me as much as she would like, because she had a broken arm, I gave her lots of kisses.

I met lil David (he's not so little though) everyone thought we looked alike.

My Aunt Theresa said it was payback time for mommy.

My cousin Taylor will make a great babysitter when we move to Louisana.

Uncle David couldn't believe how big I was but it didn't stop him from holding me. I think he has my hairline.

And last but not least I finally met Paw Paw.
We were two peas in a pod and he fed me yummy
things that mommy was not so happy about.(Like chocolate pie)