Sunday, December 21, 2008


Noah Preston Schuler(No No) as Brady call's him arrived 12/16/08. Brady is completely in love with the little guy. He is going to be a great big brother.

We are all settling in just fine. The baby thing has been the easy part so far, controlling an overly interested 23 mth old is a bit more challenging.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fun Photos

Recent Pics....

The pro horseman

Does this thing go any faster???

Again I ask "Does this thing go any faster?"

***Lance insists on a disclaimer stating"He is not that fat"


Brady still loves fish. He continues to kiss each one that he sees. The fishing was really good this particular weekend down south and Uncle David bought Brady his very own fishing pole.

He carried this fish around all by himself for a good while. It was so cute that Uncle David submitted it to the local newspaper and it was selected to appear in the next few weeks. We will keep you posted on his new found stardom.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Happy Halloween.....Mommy got home from work this morning just in time to snap a few pics of Lil Brady before his big day- they are having a party at school today. (Notice his shoes) He calls them his punkin shoes. For all of you that do not know what he is dressing up as tonight, you will have to wait in suspense. We are spending the weekend with cousin Tucker. Thought it would be fun for the two to trick or treat together this year.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Picking the Perfect Pumpkin

Picking the perfect pumpkin is hardwork, good thing Brady was up for the challenge....Little ones, big ones, which one should we choose?
Maybe dad can help

After a quick break on the tarp Brady found lying nearby, the decision was made. We would get a big one and a little one. (Brady thought the lil one was ball and that the big one was a horse).

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our Lil Guy Is Growing Up

Due to the impending arrival of Brady's sibling in December we decided to tackle POTTY TRAINING. After lots of research we decided the old fashion route was the way to go(real undies and vinyl pants). Here he is modeling the plastic pants.

He also had a coed sleep over recently with his sweetie Sophia from IllinoisLIL EINSTEIN DOING LAWN WORK......

Friday, July 18, 2008

Horsin' Around

Here are a few pictures of Brady doing his favorite things.......

I don't have any pictures of him beating the dog, that is his number one pleasure!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

1st Hair Cut

Brady was due for a little trim, we could not bring ourselves to cut the curls, they are just too cute. So here are some pics.....



Sunday, June 22, 2008


Cousin Tucker spent the last 9 days with us while his Mommy and Daddy were getting a well deserved vacation. It was an interesting week. Plenty of ups, downs, sippy cups, tantrums, fights, and fun. We kept the two very busy, idle time is not a good idea with these two. Here are a few pics of our roller coaster of a week....

That's probably not a good idea....

To bring the week to an end we took the boys to a drive thru Safari and petting zoo. It was alot of fun. 305 different species. Lots of deer, elk, camels, ostrich, zebras, etc. Brady loved the animals immediately

Tucker needed time to warm up to them..(It looks like we are torturing the poor guy)

In the end fun was had by all, even daddy got in on the fun.
The Other twin

Tucker recovered quickly and got in on the fun too.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Aunt Steph in Louisiana

Aunt Steph came to visit recently. She was amazed at how big Me and cousin Tucker had gotten. It was her 2nd time to see cousin Tucker(the last was @ 5wks old). So he was alot different. Here are a couple of pics from our visit.
Aunt Steph learned first hand how much work 2 little Schulers' can be.....

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sweet Home Illinois

We made a quick trip to Illinois this past weekend. Brady was thrilled to see his girlfriend Sophia. He layed a wet one on her right away, her daddy said"Brady, I am standing right here". Brady didn't care, when he was finished she had Schuler drool dripping off her nose.

He really liked Sophia!! I am not sure the feeling was mutual. Although, she did send him a valentine's day card.

Our trip to Illinois was great, we had a wedding to attend, and we had babysitters for the night. Aunt Susan and Uncle Tim. ....

Daddy enjoyed himself a little too much from the looks of it ....

Meanwhile back at the Walker's:

Brady and Sophia had their first sleepover. Although, by the time we returned Brady was screaming like an animal and continued to do so for the next 2 days. He has been a very sick little boy. Susan and Tim will probably never babysit again.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dynamic Duo

The Dynamic Duo were back in action this past weekend. They were zigging and zagging all over the place, very rarely in the same direction.

"Team Work" or at least that is what this picture looks like. Actually, Tucker was pulling, and Brady was pulling. In the end Tucker was bigger and pulled Brady down the driveway.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail

Easter was wonderful, we were down south with Mommy's family for a long weekend. We all went to mass at the church where mommy and daddy were married. It was a beautiful mass, lots of kids, which took the pressure off. Brady fell asleep soon after recieving his blessing from the priest.

Then it was off to find the goodies...