Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sweet Home Illinois

We made a quick trip to Illinois this past weekend. Brady was thrilled to see his girlfriend Sophia. He layed a wet one on her right away, her daddy said"Brady, I am standing right here". Brady didn't care, when he was finished she had Schuler drool dripping off her nose.

He really liked Sophia!! I am not sure the feeling was mutual. Although, she did send him a valentine's day card.

Our trip to Illinois was great, we had a wedding to attend, and we had babysitters for the night. Aunt Susan and Uncle Tim. ....

Daddy enjoyed himself a little too much from the looks of it ....

Meanwhile back at the Walker's:

Brady and Sophia had their first sleepover. Although, by the time we returned Brady was screaming like an animal and continued to do so for the next 2 days. He has been a very sick little boy. Susan and Tim will probably never babysit again.