Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Sweet Home Illinois

We made a quick trip to Illinois this past weekend. Brady was thrilled to see his girlfriend Sophia. He layed a wet one on her right away, her daddy said"Brady, I am standing right here". Brady didn't care, when he was finished she had Schuler drool dripping off her nose.

He really liked Sophia!! I am not sure the feeling was mutual. Although, she did send him a valentine's day card.

Our trip to Illinois was great, we had a wedding to attend, and we had babysitters for the night. Aunt Susan and Uncle Tim. ....

Daddy enjoyed himself a little too much from the looks of it ....

Meanwhile back at the Walker's:

Brady and Sophia had their first sleepover. Although, by the time we returned Brady was screaming like an animal and continued to do so for the next 2 days. He has been a very sick little boy. Susan and Tim will probably never babysit again.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dynamic Duo

The Dynamic Duo were back in action this past weekend. They were zigging and zagging all over the place, very rarely in the same direction.

"Team Work" or at least that is what this picture looks like. Actually, Tucker was pulling, and Brady was pulling. In the end Tucker was bigger and pulled Brady down the driveway.