Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Hope everyone is enjoying their Valentine's day! Lance and I have a special day planned for our two valentines! Noah is taking his first trip to the zoo...... and Brady is no longer contagious from the chicken pox(YAY!) so he gets to go too. Our house has been a zoo this week and Brady has been liked a caged animal. Hope theses pics brighten your day.......(Thanks Aunt Steph--he nevers takes his cowboy hat off)



Tara said...

Tracy your boys are gorgeous!! I bet you have your hands full. I want another one so bad but Joe says we are done...we'll see LOL
I tried to get on here and do one of these but I just never have the time to keep it up, your my hero with these things I don't know how you find the time!! Call or come by when you get in town next. I don 't do much but chase a very active 6 (he'll be 7 months tomorrow!!) month old. He's into everything!!
Anyways, I just wanted to tell you congrats on your new little man. He is adorable. You must be so proud

Tara said...

Your family is Gorgeous!! Noah is a doll! You must be so proud. I don't know how you have the time to update this website all the time you are my blogging hero!! I am so busy chasing Kasey around. He'll be 7 months tomorrow and he is everywhere and into everything, he has dumped over his basket full of toys on top of him as I type... I just wanted to tell you how gorgeous your boys are. I want another baby so bad but Joe says we are done...we'll see lol