Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Noah Preston is 1!!!!

The past year has been so fun , I can't believe Noah is 1! He learned to sit, crawl and walk. What's and talk. He is as sweet as a pea and fast as lightning, he is growing so fast it is quite frightening. Already he loves to sneak in his brothers room, and tear it brothers do.
He has an adventurous nature, if there is a closed door it will soon be opened. His curiosity rules him. His heart is big, hugs warm, kisses are a little sloppy but oh so yummy....and who can resist nibbling his little tummy.
Did I mention he looovves cake! He ate every morsel of his mini cake. Here is a picture of the big cake mommy and aunt stephie made for the lil guy.


Tucker and Lauren's Mommy said...

Happy Birthday Noah! Can't believe it's already been 1 year. We love you! -Aunt Jen, Uncle Jamie, Tucker and Lauren

Shannon said...

I would love a bite of that cake. How so very exciting!!!!