Sunday, July 29, 2007

The Schuler Scoot

Brady is almost 6 1/2 months old. He currently has 3, yes, count them 3 teeth. Two on the bottom and one on top. He is working very hard to crawl, but so far has only managed, what we are calling the Schuler Scoot. He propels himself across the floor on his belly. He looks like he is doing an army drill. He is like Aunt Steph's horse, he may not get there fast, but he will get there.

Here is the little guy perfecting the Schuler Scoot.

Sitting like a big boy.

If you look close you can see the chompers.

Mommy's little boy!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

And Then There Were Two

Brady's second tooth decided to make an appearance this morning. He was a little cranky this morning so I checked and there was nothing. One hour later at the park I checked and there it was, his second pearly white. Soon he will not be able to flash his gummy grin anymore, that will be a sad day(I better take more pictures now)!

Brady the Bruiser now weighs approx 20lbs so he was ineed of a big boy carseat, so of course mommy ran out ( actually ebay is a wonderful thing) and bought a comfy new carseat, almost as good as a lazy boy.

Brady trying out a big boy high chair at a lunch date today.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Baby Wrestling Federation

Brady loves being in the water. Splashing, kicking and dunking himself keeps him very happy. When he starts swimming he will probaby go in circles because he only uses one arm at a time. Guess what the other is doing, you guessed it, sucking his thumb.

We spent the afternoon with some friends and their little boy Alex, he is 9 days older and 3lbs lighter than Brady. It was so much fun watching them play together. They were actually beating the tar out of each other most the time. Licking, kicking, biting (Alex has two teeth, that is twice as many as lil Brady) you name it, they did it. Lots of drool was exchanged.

"What did you say about thumbsuckers?"

"Come back here, I am not done with you"

Friday, July 6, 2007

My New Girlfriend Has Arrived

On July 2, 2007 at 6:11pm Sophia Elaine Spier arrived, weighingin at 7lbs 5oz. Her parents are Susan and Tim, they were here to meet Brady a few months back. Mom and baby are doing well, and Daddy is beaming.

Brady and Sophie, how does that sound?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New York, New York...

Only 5 1/2 months old and Brady has traveled more than Mommy had at 21. Brady finally got to meet all of Daddy's family this past week. Uncle Brendan was crazy for the little guy and vice versa. Great Grandma Stefanik was not feeling great so we brought Brady and his gummy grin to the hospital to make her feel better. It must have worked, she was released the next day.

Great Grandpa Stefanik was thrilled to see that I liked horses even though I have been a city boy thus far. He wouldn't share his rhine wine with me though.

Brady was a busy little boy, lots to do and not so much time. After visiting with lots of family it was off to the track to watch Uncle Duff race. Grandma MaryAnn planned a big cookout for everyone at Oneida Lake, it was lots of fun and Cousin Tucker and I finally got sometime together. (Mommy's camera wasn't working well, so not many pictures were taken unfortunately).

Who's the Daddy?

Brady liked Tucker's teeth so much he decided he would get one as well. Yes, we have a tooth and he is not afraid to use it.

It's alot of work getting teeth!

But, I am never too tired to play with Mommy!