Sunday, July 15, 2007

And Then There Were Two

Brady's second tooth decided to make an appearance this morning. He was a little cranky this morning so I checked and there was nothing. One hour later at the park I checked and there it was, his second pearly white. Soon he will not be able to flash his gummy grin anymore, that will be a sad day(I better take more pictures now)!

Brady the Bruiser now weighs approx 20lbs so he was ineed of a big boy carseat, so of course mommy ran out ( actually ebay is a wonderful thing) and bought a comfy new carseat, almost as good as a lazy boy.

Brady trying out a big boy high chair at a lunch date today.


Tucker and Lauren's Mommy said...

Big Boy is 6 months old already. Half a year! Cutie -Aunt Jennifer