Tuesday, July 3, 2007

New York, New York...

Only 5 1/2 months old and Brady has traveled more than Mommy had at 21. Brady finally got to meet all of Daddy's family this past week. Uncle Brendan was crazy for the little guy and vice versa. Great Grandma Stefanik was not feeling great so we brought Brady and his gummy grin to the hospital to make her feel better. It must have worked, she was released the next day.

Great Grandpa Stefanik was thrilled to see that I liked horses even though I have been a city boy thus far. He wouldn't share his rhine wine with me though.

Brady was a busy little boy, lots to do and not so much time. After visiting with lots of family it was off to the track to watch Uncle Duff race. Grandma MaryAnn planned a big cookout for everyone at Oneida Lake, it was lots of fun and Cousin Tucker and I finally got sometime together. (Mommy's camera wasn't working well, so not many pictures were taken unfortunately).

Who's the Daddy?

Brady liked Tucker's teeth so much he decided he would get one as well. Yes, we have a tooth and he is not afraid to use it.

It's alot of work getting teeth!

But, I am never too tired to play with Mommy!